Coconut Cream Pie

40 Min Prep Time
1 Hour Cook Time
Written By:
Judi Ickes

Submitted by Judi Ickes of Washington, PA.

40 Min Prep Time
1 Hour Cook Time

Coconut Cream Pie


For the Crust:  makes 1 double crust or 2 singles (alternative - use frozen pie shells but that's not what Grandma did).

  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/4 cups icy water
  • 3/4 cups Crisco
  • 1 teaspoon salt

For the Filling: 

  • 1 quart milk
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 4 rounded Tablespoons cornstarch (not real full)
  • 2 or 3 egg yolks
  • pinch of salt
  • 3/4 cup coconut


Crust Instructions:
Place flour, salt and Crisco into a bowl.  Cut with 2 forks or a pastry blender until mixture is crumbly (pea size pieces).  Add icy water and form dough into a ball.  Divide in half and roll into a circle to fit the pie dish.  Flute top edges and poke fork holes into the bottom to prevent air bubbles.  Bake at 400 degrees until done.

Filling Instructions: 
Beat egg yolks with 1/4 c. of the milk.  Add sugar, salt, and cornstarch till mixed.   In a saucepan, warm the remaining milk, then add egg mixture, and coconut flakes, stirring until thickened.  Add 1 t. vanilla if desired.

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